Seventeen year-old, Skyla Messenger finds herself lying on an altar as a sacrifice to the enemy.
Being an angel of the highest Nephilim order hasn’t been easy. Her first love has cast his allegiance to the Countenance, the Sectors and the Fems see her as nothing more than a celestial pawn, and the dead girl she helped bring back to life has blackmailed her into relinquishing her boyfriend. Skyla is determined to change all that. She's decided to never trust Logan again, to turn the tables on the Sectors and the Fems, and get dirt on Chloe to blackmail her into leaving Gage alone. But, when one obstacle after another gets in her way, Skyla can hardly find the strength to carry on. The only solution seems to be to sacrifice herself to the Sector in her life and put everything in order while losing everything she values most.
Serie: Celestra Series, bok 5
Forfatter: Addison Moore
Ebook eller bok: EbookFil størrelse: 683 KB
Lesetid: 5 timer
Dette er den femte boken i serien.. Og jeg ventet som en liten unge til når den skulle komme. Jeg ble ikke skuffet. Det er mer action i denne enn i de andre. Men jeg synes serien er forrvirrende til tider. Det er mye som skjer og er ikke mye "avslapping" i boken. Noe som gjør at det var vanskelig for meg å legge fra meg boken.
Igjen stanser boken brått og jeg gleder meg til å lese vidre... Hva vil skje???
Karakter: <3 <3 <3 <3
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